Results and update 9/4
Hope you are all having a lovely Easter with family and friends and enjoying all those yummy Easter eggs and Hot Cross Buns. If travelling, travel safe.
Results Monday 3/4, 24 players enjoyed a lovely morning playing a stableford. Division 1 Winner: Jenny Porter 18pts c/b Runner-up: Debbie Brookes 18pts Division 2 Winner: Leanne Danvers 24pts Runner-up: Wanda Jones 15pt
Wednesday 5/4, 40 players played the April Monthly Medal and the 2nd Round of the WGNSW Medal. Our kind sponsor was Full Function Remedial Therapies. Division 1 Medal Winner: Elaine Shand 73nett c/b Runner-up: Cheryl Shanley 73nett Third: Sue Petty 75nett c/b Division 2 Medal and Overall Winner: Sharyn Rowles 71nett Runner-up: Brenda Cooper 73nett Third: Lisa Hunt: 74nett Division 3 Medal Winner: Di Alderman 73nett c/b Runner-up: Jenny Porter 73nett c/b Third: Janet Pilgrim 73nett Putting Division 1: Chrissy Danvers 29 Division 2: Sharyn Rowles 33 Division 3 Jan Davis 32 Gross Winners Division 1: Kaye Murdoch 85 Division 2: Brenda Cooper 99 Division 3: Janet Pilgrim 104 O.B.E. (Nett): Marianne Mannell 76 Balls went to 77 Nett
There was no golf on Good Friday.
Saturday 8/4, 5 ladies played a stableford and the winner was Marianne Mannell with 34pts. Balls went to Shirley Goodger and Donna Carter.
Updates Reminder to all players that there is a mixed 18 hole Ambrose on Sunday 16th April.
Ladies, organise your teams for our first Skins 4 person Stableford on the 26th April, kindly sponsored by Bendigo Bank.
Friday 28th April, is our interclub visit with Safety Beach at Safety Beach. If you would like to join us, please advise me asap.
This Wednesday is our Interclub with Sawtell at Grafton. Thank you to all the ladies who offered Sawtell ladies a lift in their carts. Good luck Grafton and hopefully we will win the 'Bone of Contention' trophy.
The little koala was still hanging around the 17th tee on Wednesday and it looked like he was hanging on tight.
Happy Golfing Captain Kaye