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Results & Updates 20th March - 26th March 2023


Results and Update 26/3


Monday 20/3 had 20 players play a 9 hole stableford and the winners were:

Division 1 Winner: Joe Manahan with 20pts

Runner-up: Lorraine Tibbs with 16pts c/b

Division 2 Winner: David Wormald with 25pts

Runner-up: Brian Richards with 22pts.

Wednesday 22/3 had 42 ladies play a single stableford and was kindly sponsored by Sharyn Rowles and the Overall Winner to win was Kathy McMullan with 38pts.

Division 1

Winner: Marg Ross 35pts

Runner-up: Jen Townsend 34pts c/b

Third: Heather Robinson 34pts c/b

Division 2

Winner: Cheryl Creighton 34pts c/b

Runner-up: Sue Heath 34pts

Third: June Newsome 33pts c/b


1st Holiday Coast Meats & Smallgoods: Robyn Wilkes

6th MJO Legal: Sue Petty

10th Clarence Valley Tyre Centre: Kathy McMullan

10th 2nd shot Grafton Mall Butchery: Robyn Wilkes & Gai Leeson

17th Dougherty Property: Judy McFarlane

Balls with to 30pts c/b

Unfortunately, there was no game on Friday due to the early morning rain.

Saturday 25/3 had 7 ladies play a single stableford and the winner was Chrissy Danvers with 37pts. Runner-up was Shirley Goodger with 36pts and Shirley also was NTP, sponsor Grafton Motor Group. Balls went to Annalese McKee and Marianne Mannell 32pts.

On Friday 32 Teams played in the annual 4BBB GIMY day at Maclean and Peg James and her partner, Carol MacPherson from Yamba were runners-up with 40pts. Cheryl Creighton and her partner, Helen Graney from Maclean, were third place with 39pts. Peg James was also in the winning four team. Lisa Hunt won NTP on the 2nd for Div 2, Sharyn Rowles won NTP also on the 2nd for Div 3. A big thank you to the Maclean ladies for organising a wonderful day of golf, fun and friendship.

Don't forget ladies tomorrow is the final of the Ann Bawden Match play between Peg James/Millie Harris and Brenda Cooper/Robyn Wilkes, starting at 8am, so come and cheer on the ladies, or come and join us for morning tea.

If any lady is interested in playing at Casino in the 5 person Interclub Teams event on Friday 28th April, please let me know. The match committee will decide who will represent the Club and advise accordingly.

A reminder, this Wednesday is a 2 person Ambrose. The Monday invitation day will be played at a later date, tba.

There was a ladies ring found on the course last week, if this is yours, please contact one of the committee members.

Hollie Fuller is at her best again, winning the Northern Rivers Junior Championships (girls and boys) scoring one under par, 72, at Murwillumbah Golf Club last Sunday. And then winning the Coffs Harbour 2023 Ladies Championships, the final round being played last Wednesday, scoring 78, 73 and 78, winning by 11 strokes. Congratulations Hollie.

Upcoming Tournaments

Coolangatta/Tweed Heads Open Day 11/4, closes 5/4

Port Macquarie 14/4, closes 7/4

Tamworth Treloar Cup 11/5, closes 4/5

Ballina 4 & 5/5, closes 20/4.

Happy golfing



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